Saturday, February 28, 2009

Here you are, sir.

After some thought and consideration, I'd like to pass the Blog Award to Johnny Durham. ( If I remember correctly, he was the first Blog (and Vlog, now that I think about it) that I started following.

Johnny, I love everything about you and your creative outlets. Keep up the good work, my friend.

Friday, February 27, 2009

Where's the plumber when you need him...


This is me stuck inside of a sink. Mother nearly had to cut me out with a saw. This is, after she finished recording the moment on video.  I was always a very adventurous child.

I wonder how many entries I can make in one night. 


"Well, we lost a lot of great warriors at The Battle of Fingerpaints," but we did win, with many casualties on each side, our right to eat all the glue we wanted."

Gavin is my little Kindergarten hero. 
He made this anecdote up because he couldn't remember anything from kindergarten. And I just think that is absolutely tragic. I remember loads from my five year old school days. 

One day at Show-and-Tell, a girl brought a doll dressed in Mexican attire. The teacher told us to guess where the doll was made.  I said it was made in China. And she sounded appalled. Clearly it wasn't from China. But you see, I was a very observant little child. And it seemed that every toy I owned had a "Made in China" sticker on it. So I figured it would be a safe assumption to say the doll was made there too. And to this day, I think it was. 

Just because you are wearing a sombrero doesn't mean you are Spanish. 

Mirror Mirror.

I set foot in this place a little over a year ago. I was wearing my rust colored shirt from my favorite art gallery, my brown BCBG sweater that I got for free, dark washed skinny jeans, and my boots. I don't know if you could call that "artsy" but it was what my parents wanted. I was planning on wearing my Keds. The most love pair of shoes I have ever seen. It's funny to see how many holes they've gotten since then. But I'm getting off track. I didn't know where to go or what to expect. But I walked into the Johnson Institute and my heart leapt out of my body. Hard wood floors, soft yellow walls, high ceilings, and exposed brick. The walls were lined with art work. Some of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. Music filled the hallways, Shakespeare hid behind each door, and I could hear the dancing feet above me. It was pure magic and i was exactly where I wanted to be. 

Now, a year later, I find myself wondering where the magic went. The walls seem to be turning grey. And the artwork looks cluttered. The music behind me sounds strained, and every theatre major's line has an underlying tone of a forced nature. 

Now don't get me wrong, I love this place. But sometimes I long for that first moment I had here. 

Para mi?

A blog award? For me? Good gracious. What a dear surprise. 
This has, without a doubt, made my day.

I wasn't expecting this, so I am far from prepared. Please don't make me say what I am wearing. Oh please..fine.

I'm wearing my dance clothes. (Long sleeved t-shirt, short black dance shorts, and neutral leggings.) I couldn't bring myself to change for the drive back home. 

Lee, you are just wonderful. Overflowing "Thank You's" from the bottom of my heart.


I am very ready to go to the hospital tomorrow. I'm sure I'll have loads of fun. I wrote a long blog entry earlier today, but it is in my other computer. Not my lunch box. I am so ready to go home for the weekend. Check the countdown. Follow me on twitter. I don't know. My head hurts. And I wish my father didn't read this. Please stop, father.

In other news, I have a pal named Gavin, and he is really neat.

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Graham Cracker.

My suite mate just walked into my room.
"You have a D40?" She was talking about my camera. For goodness sake she was looking at it. Why ask if I have one.
-Yeah. I absolutely love it.
" Well, I have a D60."

Why on earth was that necessary. I personally think she could have worded it better. I adore photography and I can really appreciate a good camera.
But honestly, that just sounded like a story top to me.

You have this? Well I have that.
Suck it.

No Thank You, Madame.

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Thanks for Voting for Contestant One.
Watch American Idol Tomorrow on Fox.
Sponsored in part by ATT.

If I hear that one more time, I might go insane.
By all means, I want Jasmine to do well, but gracious. Mr. Computer Voice is getting old.


I have an MRI on Saturday.
How amazing would it be to have Dr. Derek Shepherd as my doctor. Mmmm. Maybe an unknown neuralgic problem wouldn't be as bad with Patrick Dempsey by my bed.

It's not as bad as it sounds. I promise.

In other news, my English teacher is in Hollywood to see Jasmine Murray perform on American Idol. I love having famous friends.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009


"This Video cannot be played. Find more videos like this at AOL"
Now call me too literal, but why on earth would I want to find more unplayable videos?

Signing In/Out

Whenever we leave the dorm building, we must sign out. Whenever we enter, we must sign in.
I find it strange how much my handwriting has changed since August.

I've past the "cute" stage. Past the "elegant" stage. Past the "legible" stage.
I am now enjoying the "graffiti" stage. Yes, I think I'd enjoy seeing my signature on a train car. However, vandalism will get me expelled. So I should probably refrain.

Much love,
::illegible signature::

Monday, February 23, 2009

Head Over Heels.

Isn't your head always over you heels? That's just a though.

I have my MRI on Saturday. I'd like to see a picture of my lil ole brain. Hopefully I can get a picture of it posted. That's bound to get me a view or two. I've gotten over a hundred profile views now. But does anyone read this or at least stumble across it? I'm definitely not one who begs for followers, but it sure would be nice just to know. I hope all is well in the world that is the Internet. I'm going on holiday soon. Backpacking, rock climbing, cave exploring, repelling. It'll be fun to be Nature Girl for a change.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Black Market

I was at the Hospital for two hours this afternoon. Granted, most of it was waiting, but nonetheless it was a Doctor Box. I got put on daily Migraine Medicine. And I have a MRI soon. And I got my blood stolen. The doctor asked if I was afraid of needles, and I almost made a heroin joke, but I refrained.
My vein exploded. So it got stolen twice. I thought that maybe my Intern was a Vampire.
He wasn't.

However, he is going to sell my blood on the Black Market. We'll make a good team.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Things In My Bed:
-A Guitar
-My Computer
-Pillows and Blankets
-A Capo
-A Lavender Marker
-A Stuffed Owl
-A book
-A Jacket
-A T Shirt

Things On My Refrigerator
-A Telephone
-My Video Camera
-A Calendar
-Soft Pastels
-Three Pouches
-Nail Polish (Silver and Glow In The Dark)
-A Pencil
-Peppermint Wrappers
-A Headband I Knitted
-A Permit Proving I Pay For Electricity
-Paper From My Sketchbook
-Sleeping Pills

Things On My Wall
-Art By Morgan Welch
-Art By Josh Hailey
-Art By My Mother
-Art By Me
-My Paint Pallet
-A Picture From Summer Camp
-A Smoke Alarm

My Bed is Twin Sized. But my Refrigerator is Dorm Sized. I don't know why I have so much stuff on it. Honestly, I hate it. And I wish my desk wasn't around the corner of the room. My walls are normal sized I guess. I have two of them. Lots of space for art. Wanna send me some? I'd give you credit.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Monday, February 9, 2009

Hello, Nancy.

I don't understand why there is so much negative tension at school these days. The Theatre majors are stressed with senior shows, Vocals are pissy about everyone, visual artists can't get projects just right. And no one knows how to communicate anymore. It seems as though yelling is the only way to get a point across.

And I just don't like it. If you communicate with a spin of positivity, maybe people would be more inclined to listen.

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Witty Title.

I dance dance danced all night.
Jasmine Murray is really great. Google Her. She lives across the hall.
Vloggin is neat.

Hello Johnny.