"Well, we lost a lot of great warriors at The Battle of Fingerpaints," but we did win, with many casualties on each side, our right to eat all the glue we wanted."
Gavin is my little Kindergarten hero.
He made this anecdote up because he couldn't remember anything from kindergarten. And I just think that is absolutely tragic. I remember loads from my five year old school days.
One day at Show-and-Tell, a girl brought a doll dressed in Mexican attire. The teacher told us to guess where the doll was made. I said it was made in China. And she sounded appalled. Clearly it wasn't from China. But you see, I was a very observant little child. And it seemed that every toy I owned had a "Made in China" sticker on it. So I figured it would be a safe assumption to say the doll was made there too. And to this day, I think it was.
Just because you are wearing a sombrero doesn't mean you are Spanish.