Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Sometimes, I'll have dreams where I get hurt or sick. And I find myself in the hospital. And I try to imagine who comes to see me. And if I get a lovely card or something of the like.

Well tonight, I strolled on over to the coffee shop and within 30 minutes, I began to feel incredibly ill. Shaking, light headed, and drained. I couldn't speak. I couldn't walk. Not even California jokes could make me laugh. 

I ended up having to get the boys to drive me back to school because I felt so faint. Apparently my body decided to go through a sudden detox due to not taking my migraine medication. It is such a horrible feeling. 


As I find myself growing up, I realize all the circumstances in which I must decipher between work and play. Fun and funny. Childlike and childish. And whenever possible and or necessary, I strive for the former of each. 

While in school, there is a definite line between work and play, however, I am always trying to make my work seem like play. I've learned quickly that it is all about your outlook and attitude. 

In movement, I see everything as fun. I'm learning loads of new things and I have gotten so much stronger, both physically and mentally, from it. However, I am often find myself in playful spirits due to me loving to brings smiles and giggles to peoples faces. This, I have learned, must be left at the door once I enter the studio. There is a definite line between fun filled learning and goofing around. 

Although "funny" isn't always called for in the studio, I have found that there is a difference between being funny and being like a child. I have always been fascinated by children. They have this fearlessness about them, and they rarely have the distractions of outside conflict. They are content in there own little world, and this aids in their ability to learn things so quickly. I think if every movement student had the childlike mentality, things would soon be easier, calmer, and wouldn't be this striving for top class rating. 

It is a big step, but once our class has attained the fun, childlike attitude towards our work, we will soon see everything as necessary fun. And the entire atmosphere of our class will change greatly.

Monday, March 30, 2009


I figure there are worse things I could be addicted to. You know, Chapstick really isn't that bad. But why on earth do i find the need to buy six at a time. I guess I just like having options. And a single chapstick isn't guaranteed to be the IT thing. I admit I have a problem, I do. But please don't stop me. My lips love me for it.

Sunday, March 29, 2009


Running on little to no sleep. No energy for complete sentences. Bullets? Yes.

  • I slept above a room full of boys. I heard everything they said. They didn't know.
  • I brought my guitar to the house. Everyone jammed. I love having musical friends.
  • I made pancakes for everyone's breakfast. They seemed to enjoy them. 
  • I loved how easy it was for my date to make friends.
  • We had a nice drive back.
  • We need to talk. 

Friday, March 27, 2009


I applied for a position on Lookbook today. 

I also had a very strange but wonderful dream during my morning nap. I really need to start recording these things.

My peppermint addiction goes along quite nicely with that of the chapstick. I woke up with incredibly soft lips. OH MAN.

I just figured it out. The chapstick addiction has lead to the multiple dreams of random people kissing me. I totally just figured it out. (But I mean, can you blame them?)

I am very ready to be home. Hot water. Bed. Only for moment. Prom. Lets go party, Wood. Pictures later. Maybe on Lookbook? I hope. 

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Oh yeah... . . ...

I just found a  journal entry with two really great days. 
Funny how quickly things change.


I bought a Virgin Mary paper weight to go in my gnome collection. 

Every morning, I wake up at 7:15 to go tell the world I am alive. By 7:24, I am always back in bed. Asleep. But what is weird is that every morning, once I am back in my lovely little bed, I have the strangest dreams. I don't know why I don't have them sometime between 2:03 and 7:14, but by no way am I complaining. 

Monday, March 23, 2009

Living the Stereotype.

Art school is only stereotypical on sunny days. 

Thursday, March 19, 2009


I was Adventure Girl for the past four days. 

I slept in the world's largest tent, however it was not the world's most comfortable tent. There were roots and sticks and leaves and all in all earth underneath me. (I was sleeping on an incline at that. Just imagine falling asleep in one place and waking up a foot or two lower) The food was nice considering we were camping. 

 I went repelling and rock climbing on the side of a mountain. And I also went repelling inside a cave. It was the most intense thing I have ever done. Complete Darkness is a scary thing. The water in the cave was about waist high and I was walking along when all of the sudden I step off a drop off of 130 feet. It was such a weird feeling. To have stable ground beneath you and then nothing but water. It made me glad I could swim.

There were times where I was crawling on the ground with water filling half of the tunnel. I could barely move, yet I made it out alive. 

I highly suggest going on an adventure like that one day. I'd love to join you. 

Friday, March 13, 2009

Wave Hello.

There's an idea brewing inside my noggin.
I want to know if there is a way to correspond the tone waves of a picture to the sound waves of different tones. Thinking. Editing. Transposing. It's a long process. And I don't really know how to do it.


Thursday, March 12, 2009


The highlight of my yesterday was by far hearing an in depth retelling of how my friends beat The Legend of Zelda. Who knew it could take over an hour. I think I was laughing the entire time.

Ty is quite a comedian. 

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


"Oh my gosh. He's like a local celebrity!"

Monday, March 9, 2009


Summer Daze.

I played a rousing game of Ultimate Frisbee today. It felt slightly empty due to expelled friends not being there, but I sucked it up and played anyway. I've gotten very rusty over the winter. Hopefully I'll make a comeback soon.

My feet smell like grass, but I guess that's what I get for playing without shoes. 
Dirty feet don't belong on the bed.

History is history.

I jsut took my US History exam. And it was incredibly easy.
However that didn't stop me from doing exceptionally bad. I have a horrible problem of second guessing myself. And it is really starting to hurt my grade.

This has been a horrible day for more reasons than just the above.

Friday, March 6, 2009

Running Backwards.

I found myself back at my old high school tonight. And I couldn't help but remember the previous four years I had spent there. I really liked there, but I am so content where I am now. 

I really have a lot to say.
I just don't know how to say it. 

Where are you, Fanny?

I found myself with an incredibly large work load last night, which was unusual due to the fact that I have been doing a superior job at managing things all year. 
I think the major problem was my assignment for my Computer class, which is more or less just Keyboarding. 
Our latest assignment was to write a business letter applying for a Summer Program emphasizing you major, however I am really not interested in Musical Summer Programs. (Since I was already accepted and given full scholarship to the Spanish program at Summer College, I figured I would just use this instead.)
We were told to make up the details that went into the letter, but they must be accurate. Due to the fact that I only have a Keyboarding Textbook and no teacher, I felt very lost. The text doesn't teach you anything. It merely gives you practice letters to type. I had quite a bit of trouble deciphering the five formats that I was supposed to use. 
And to top off all my troubles, I never installed Microsoft Word onto my little ole Mac of mine. So I was forced to use...oh gracious, do I dare say it? I was forced to use a PC. (It's horrifying, I know. I feel very contaminated.) Gosh, I had no idea how much I had adapted to Macs. 

Goodness. It is 8:34 in the morning. The world hasn't seen my face at this hour in quite some time.

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

I'll be in the May issue of Vogue.

I was needed for a little photo shoot this evening. 
Hop in a phone booth, looking like scum. Jump out looking like America's Next Top Model.

Here's a little picture I managed to snap afterwards. 

I spy.

I am having blog troubles. Nothing will show up. 
Dear God..
Please let this be a temporary problem.

Nothing is saved. Anywhere. Except Here.
Heart, please start beating again. 

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Writers Block.

It appears I have hit a wall.
I absolutely cannot find something to write about.  Writer's Block. What an inconvenience. I took a Journalism class when I was thirteen. I had a very good teacher and I wanted so badly to impress him. His mother died, and while he was gone, he gave us an assignment to write about the importance of education. The majority of the class did a half-ass job seeing that it was only a "Filler Assignment," But I really wanted to create a good paper. And it took me about two weeks to finish. My teacher said this was perfectly fine because he understood that I was working quite hard on it. And of course, after a while, I finished. 

He read it to the class, and quickly jumped in at picking me apart.
I highly doubt I could forget his critique.

"You are a perfectionist who is dysfunctionally indecisive. Do you want to  pursue a job in the writing industry?"
- Probably not.
"Well good. Because you wouldn't amount to anything in the writing world."

And that was that. Hours of writing and editing. All to amount to nothing.
I don't know. Maybe that's what is driving me to blog so much. I want to prove him wrong. Of course, this little blog of mine won't find major status, but I enjoy updating. And like I've probably said before: I am absolutely fascinated by people. And I find great pleasure in reading other people's blogs/twitter updates/daily booth photos. 

Gracious, my internet is going to cut itself off in very little time. I need to upload this puppy before it gets lost. 

Short film I was in a year ago. My acting was not at it's best, but it was such a marvelous experience. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ollz4r5wVFk
I find it fitting for the beginning of this entry.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Eye am sorry.

I bought some reading glasses today. 
From the dollar store. For some reason, I just couldn't resist the BroRan styled frames. 
(See Dailybooth.)

These are the first glasses I have bought that were not Marc Jacobs. 
I've made up for it by putting on some Lanvin perfume. I feel much nicer now. It's weird not wearing my usual Demeter Gin and Tonic. But this new scent brings me back to New York. I feel slightly sophisticated, although I by no means look like it. 


Cosmopolitan called "following people on twitter" sexy. 

But this is what I think. Why do some of the people following me also follow over a thousand other little birds? Are they living under the "I'll follow you, and hopefully you will follow me and then I can say I have thousands of people following me" mentality?  Honestly, I find that sickening. You couldn't possibly read every single update. 
I just don't understand. 

Sunday, March 1, 2009

38 and Feeling Great.

I think every person I encountered today verbalized the fact that I wasn't wearing a jacket. It was 38 degrees and the straps on my dress were about two fingers wide. 

"Are you not wearing a jacket?" 
-Do you see one, lady?
"Where is your coat? It's cold out."
-I find it very refreshing, Thank you.

The truth is, I refuse to wear a jacket if it doesn't match my outfit. I'm sorry, but it just isn't a sacrifice I'm willing to make. 
It snowed last night. In Mississippi. Gracious it's March!  Now don't get me wrong. I absolutely love it. I guess it just surprised me. And I did not enjoy seeing Facebook albums and statuses about the minimal white powder.