Thursday, November 18, 2010

ten more miles.
that’s thirty for the week.

what would it be like if all the raindrops were candy bars and milkshakes?

i have miles to go before i sleep.
and we’ve come to the point in the night where the random food cravings are kicking in.
my car is just across the lot. an empty (hungry) vessel.
checkers, anyone?

miles to go before i sleep.
hours to go before i eat.

i ate breakfast today. oatmeal.
i think people forget how to love oatmeal.
like mary.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

i've reached the point in the night where i can say
'it is possible for me to finish this in the morning and not be rushed/stressed/suchas. shut your eyes, child.'
and so i will, okay?

i've started talking to my thoughts as i drift off as of late.
especially in between the initial alarm clock and snooze button alarm.
'this is YOUR time. Your OWN.PERSONAL. Time. Stop worrying about today and ENJOY your ten more minutes of sleep.'
And so I do.

I think the biggest lesson I need to learn is that the internet isn't going anywhere.
if i sleep NOW, i'll have TWICE as much in the morning.

My bed smells like sweat.
(sorry for that)
I rode my bed for ten miles.
I rode my BIKE for ten miles. And also yesterday.
I will wash it tomorrow.

Wednesdays are good.
This is a blog post.
Hey, everyone. I'm Blair.
How are you?