Tuesday, July 20, 2010


Justin: Blair Bingham im asking you nicely to please quit commenting on my statuses. i don't recall asking for critiques. thank you

Blair Bingham: It's for your own good.

And for the record: I'm not im.

about an hour ago ·

Justin: thanks haha
about an hour ago

Brittany Bunny: Gosh, wannabe literary, huh?
about an hour ago

Justin: haha. lol. i mean. pisses me off, buy im acting mature about the situation. ya know!
about an hour ago

Brittany Bunny: I feel you my nig...could've swore fb was a social networking site, not dr lebow's class. You handled it in a very mature way. If she decides to take offense in it, that's her problem. Kudos to you.
about an hour ago

Justin: lol. i deleted her.
about an hour ago

Brittany Bunny: Lol double kudos! Delete. Delete!
about an hour ago

Justin: HAHA.
about an hour ago

Erin: You deleted Blair?!?!
51 minutes ago

Justin: yea. cause she was being janky and trying to be my english teacher.
50 minutes ago

Erin: Aw, I love Blair. She didn't mean it, i'm sure.
49 minutes ago

Justin: yes she did. i private chatted with her on skype and she basically told me that it was unprofessional.
48 minutes ago

Justin: im like wtf. am on a freakin job interview or something. i just strongly dislike stuff like that.
47 minutes ago

Erin: Well, I read an article on MSN how future job employers are now using facebook as a way to get to know who they hire before they hire them, so maybe that is what she was getting at. I'm not trying to make you angry, but I don't think Blair meant to make you so mad that she had to be deleted off your facebook. You know her better than I do probably, she was in your class. It just doesn't seem like she would be spiteful over improper grammar.
43 minutes ago

Justin: Well I see it like this. I don't go on her page correcting her, and neither should she correct me. This is my facebook profile and i will write what i want, how i want, and when i want. if i needed her help i would ask, but i don't. if i don't get a job because of my grammar on facebook, then oh well. i don't need anybody to employ me that is worried about my grammar on FB, and not my skills. so. and im not made at you. you are just stating your opinion and i respect that. thank erin.
39 minutes ago

Ashlyn: When you post something on Facebook you are offering it up for judgment.

If you use Firefox it will correct spelling, at least. Just BTW.
13 minutes ago

Here's the way I see it. Justin wants to be a doctor. If I were dying, I would want him to save me without having to ask him. I, on the other hand, want to be a teacher. So I have taken it upon myself to save HIM without him asking.


Unknown said...

Good answer. Well said.

POTUSforReeses said...

I personally think that deleting a friend from Facebook because of a grammar situation doesn't count as handling it in a "mature" way. But then again, maybe his standpoint of what maturity is has always been a little obscured.

Julia and Mark said...

Okay, here's my proof that I have visited your page :-) The map still doesn't seem to show that I have visited :-( Love the blog!