Friday, August 28, 2009

A Recent Death in my Life

There is something strangely liberating about throwing a pair of shoes away.
There is also something strangely tragic.

Five Stages of Grief:
DENIAL- Honestly, I didn't believe my toes had worked they way out of my sides of my shoes. Those brown, patent leather flats were my absolute favorite, and I am still having a hard time imagining my fashion world without these gems. "This isn't happening. Not now. Not ever. Please. Just let this be a nightmare."

ANGER- The shoes were near and dear to my heart, and my friend are well aware of this. It infuriates me to see my feet peeking out of the sides of my sole. "Who makes shoes like this!? Where is the quality?"

BARGAINING- "If you just wait and break once I find another similar pair of you, shoes, I promise I'll give you a proper burial. Just hold out until I go home soon. You can do it. Come on. It's okay."

DEPRESSION- Having breakdowns in class is not uncommon at this school, so it wasn't all that strange for me to shed a few tears in my Government class. "How could this happen to me? The love of my feet are gone. There is no way of getting another pair of these shoes. WHY did this have to happen now?"

ACCEPTANCE- And just like that. After all of the emotional turmoil, I felt better. I got over it. I moved on. Put the shoes in the trash. And moved on. "Rest in peace, little brown flats."

MIA Brown Patent Leather Pointed Toe Flats: March 17, 2008-August 28, 2009.

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