Tuesday, April 6, 2010


Someone PLEASE tell me why my titles are not in English!

Here I am. Sitting in class. Not necessarily working. But I'm minding my business.
When out of nowhere. Principal. Picks up 1284 page hardback literature book and SLAMS it on the floor. Two people were sleeping. Two people still ARE sleeping. Slamming books does nothing but give me a heart attack. Don't ask why Principal is in the room. She just appeared. (Is this room being monitored? Are there cameras in HERE too?) She makes the two girls move to a table in the back of the room (as if THAT would fix the sleeping problem?) and now one is sitting upright. Chin tucked against chest. Asleep. Peacefully. Once again.

(I swear. If another book gets thrown, I will pick it up. And throw it back. Not necessarily at the ground. Although your face DOES seem to get walked on quite a bit.)

When in the third grade, mother was trying to teach me how to spell "principal." I always thought it to be P R I N C I P L E. She kept reminding that the principal is you PAL. I now have reason to disagree.

Have you seen the movie MATILDA?

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